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广州市尔泉净水设备有限公司是一家集研发、生产,销售为一体的净水环保有限公司,坐落于繁华的广州市白云区,交*捷、物流发达,公司成立于2006年,前身为专业模具注塑工厂,在产品开发及注塑生产上有着超过10年的丰富经验,成功开发生产出适应市场的不同类型的产品,以自身具备的生产开发优势为净水行业同行提供OEM,ODM服务,从而在广大的净水行业中树立了良好的声誉。 公司成立以来,以坚持开发**的净水器为目标。公司自有品牌“ERQUAN尔泉”,公司一直坚持“努力创新、科学管理、品质*”的原则,为广大社会、家庭安全纯净饮用水,提供各型经济实用的净水设备及净水解决方案,以*的净水理念、优质的产品、合适的价格和完善的服务,与客户一起携手共创双赢的市场格局;同时公司遵循市场规律,不断完善企业的经营管理和产品质量控制体系。致力于创建具有国际国内*水平的净水器生产企业。 开发的产品如下种类: 家用纯水机系列、 家用超滤系列、 不锈钢管道式净水器、 家用台上台下式陶瓷净水器系列、 水龙头净水器系列、 管线机、 直饮机及周边配件。 在蓬勃发展的净水器材市场,我们希望能与所有同行们一起努力发展、共同为社会普及健康饮水新概念。 不断超越!不断创新!用品质及诚恳铸造品牌! Guangzhou ERQUAN Water Purification Equipment Co., Ltd. is one set with research, development, production and great sales service for developing water purification company, located at Bai-yun District of Guangzhou. The place with Czech traffic and logistics developed. The company established 2006, It was predecessor for professional injection company. We had more than 10 years experienced in products development and the injection production. We successfully developed out adaptation market of different type of products. Great experienced of production development advantage has strongly lead us to develop for water purification industry. also able to provides OEM/ODM service. We h*e earned some good reputation in General of water purification industry in the market. Since the company has been, to adhere to develop of world-class Water Purifier at the target. Company its owned brand "ERQUAN尔泉 "efforts innovation, scientific management, and best quality as principles. We insist to develop the best quality and s*e drinking water for general society, and family security. We provides the type economic practical of water purification device and the water purification solution, with the best of water purification concept, quality of products, suitable price, and perfection of service for our user, together create success of market need. Meanwhile company followed market needs, constantly improved operating management and quality co*ol system to commit creating the international le*g level in our Water Purifier manufacturers. We had Launch many different type of product for different used: Pure water home series; Ultra-filtration home series; Stainless steel pipe-type water purification series; Ceramic water purification machine series; Tap water machine; Pipeline machine; Straight type drinking machine and peripheral accessories. In this water purifier market, we will give our efforts to develop the best product to all our customers and popularize new concepts of healthy drinking water for the community together in the future.


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